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Here you can read our publications and find tools that can support your work with legacy.

Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Copenhagen Legacy Lab has created four posters that can assist you in your work with Legacy (e.g., how to identify your legacy focus, how to frame your legacy challenge, how to build legacy activities, and how to plan your evaluation design).

Copenhagen Legacy Lab posters
Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Identifying our legacy potential

Copenhagen Legacy Lab posters
Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Framing our legacy challenge and desired impact

Copenhagen Legacy Lab posters
Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Building our legacy solutions

Copenhagen Legacy Lab posters
Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Measuring our legacy impact


MeetDenmark, in collaboration with Danish destinations including Wonderful Copenhagen, has developed the report 'Powering Meeting Legacies' . The report covers MeetDenmark's insights from six years of legacy work and offers inspiration for creating systematic and robust collaborations between local stakeholders and congresses to achieve greater impact.

MeetDenmark report
Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Report: Powering Meeting Legacies (2023)

Gerda Marie Rist GMR

Head of Copenhagen Legacy Lab

Jakob Kjeldgaard Jensen JKJ
Major Events

Manager – Copenhagen Legacy Lab