Tools, guides & materials
Here you'll find free-to-use materials that are useful when planning and organising a congress or event in Copenhagen.

Copenhagen Sustainability Guide
In this guide, you will find tips, tricks, tools and cases, which we hope will inspire, assist and encourage you to push the boundaries for making ambitious, sustainable congresses and events with lasting sustainable impact.

Toolbox for identifying and prioritising your sustainability ambitions
This tool is a qualitative supplement to Copenhagen Sustainability Guide and will hopefully inspire you to adopt a sustainable strategy.

Copenhagen Congress Compas
This dialogue tool will help you start a conversation about how to best implement the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in your event or congress.

Copenhagen Congress Incubator
Interested in developing new international congresses in Copenhagen? Copenhagen Convention Bureau offers complimentary assistance.

Fundraising Handbook
In Danish only
This guide answers the most frequently asked questions in relation to working with fundraising and sponsorship. It includes, among others, practical tools for composing a project application, budgeting and time scheduling, including relevant links to overview of funds.

Congress Handbook (Kongreshåndbogen)
In Danish only
This handbook provides an overview of the typical tasks that are associated with planning and hosting a congress. It includes, among others, many helpful tips and checklists which are beneficial in the management of the various local host responsibilities and deliverances.

Guidelines for VAT
Denmark's development association for business and meeting tourism, MeetDenmark, has together with the Danish Chamber of Commerce and KPMG Acor Tax developed a number of guides focusing on the Danish VAT system in relation to congresses and meetings.

Copenhagen Media Center
Our online media center includes a wide variation of graphic promotional material relating to Copenhagen. Ideal to use in the promotion of your event or congress in Copenhagen.
Please note that the material is to be used for marketing and promotion of Copenhagen only. Always credit the photographer and Copenhagen Media Center when using the photos and/or videos. Please note that special terms apply when using photos of The Little Mermaid.

Marketing kit
Free-to-use content package with useful visual media, links, inspirational copy-texts and links to local service providers.
Contact us
We’re here to help, whatever stage of planning you’re at, and it doesn’t cost an øre (that’s Danish for penny). Email us at cvb@woco.dk or look for the right person on our contacts page.

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Request for proposal
Just fill in our form and we’ll get back to you with suitable suppliers for your event.
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