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Hybrid meetings in Denmark

Hybrid meetings and safety - the Danish way

Author: Anne Marie Barsøe
Photo: Daniel Rasmussen

Denmark offers a strong mix of powerful digital infrastructure, innovative locations, and an efficient and interconnected conference eco-system. Learn more about why this destination is the right - and safe - choice for hybrid events and find inspiration in MeetDenmark's latest toolboxes.

To no surprise, Hybrid Meetings and events are here to stay. And with a lot of different variations as to how, why, and when we include virtual components to events, there is no doubt that planning hybrid events can be complex and complicated - yet they also offer lots of new and exciting opportunities.

MeetDenmark, the Danish development association for business tourism, just recently published a selection of highly relevant hybrid events materials for information and inspiration for meeting planners and focused on:

  • Why Denmark for hybrid meetings
  • Hybrid meetings – an introduction
  • Hybrid meeting tools - and overview and checklist
  • Inspirational cases from successful Hybrid Events

Read more about the findings and MeetDenmark's useful tips and tools right here.

Get wiser too on why Denmark is The Safe Choice for meetings and conferences in an also newly published inspirational catalogue by MeetDenmark's members right here.

Anne Marie Barsøe AMB

Senior Manager – International Press & Communication