Knowledge hubs
Copenhagen is a driving force in Danish research, home to universities, research institutes and ground-breaking firms working on projects that are changing the world.
Our strongholds
Along with the wider Greater Copenhagen region, the area is at the leading edge of development across several specialist areas, including the following.

Life science
Greater Copenhagen’s life sciences industry is world leading for R&D spending, clinical testing and drug development, and is home to the Danish-Swedish life-science cluster, Medicon Valley. This collection of universities, hospitals and companies includes more than 60% of Scandinavia’s pharmaceutical industry and is currently Europe’s fastest growing biotech cluster, with firms including Novo Nordisk at its core.

Cleantech & Sustainability
Copenhagen is considered one of the world’s most sustainable cities. Denmark was pioneering as the first country to develop commercial wind power more than 40 years ago, and today Greater Copenhagen has a strong position within research in wind energy and other energy technologies. The city has expertise in biomass technology, water technology, the circular economy, environmental technology, energy efficiency and smart cities.

Greater Copenhagen is home to one of Europe's largest ICT clusters with more than 12,000 companies with expertise in the area. Strong ICT knowledge hubs in Greater Copenhagen include, in particular, Big Data, Blockchain, FinTech, Smart Cities and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Bio Resources & Food
Known globally for its food culture, Denmark is a frontrunner in innovative, sustainable and effective food production. Research areas within the food industry include a focus on quality and safety, food fermentation, sustainability and organic food production. The New Nordic Kitchen movement continues to inspire chefs globally, while the city’s strong standing in the annual Michelin stars awards speaks to its world-class fine dining scene. There are regular annual events for the industry and consumers focusing on food in Copenhagen, including the World Food Summit.

Architecture & Design
As the 2023 World Architecture Capital, Copenhagen has plenty to offer architects, designers and urban planners. The city is home to world-leading firms including Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), Henning Larsen Architects, Cobe, Gehl Architects, C.F. Møller, 3XN, Lendager Group, Dissing & Weitling, Lundgaard & Tranberg, Dorthe Mandrup, and many more.
Universities in Greater Copenhagen
There are 12 universities within the Greater Copenhagen area, holding a wealth of expertise to draw on. They include, in Copenhagen, the University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School, Roskilde University, IT University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University Copenhagen and Aarhus University Copenhagen. In Sweden, they include Malmö University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund University and Kristianstad University Sweden. We collaborate closely with the universities in Copenhagen in attracting international association congresses to the city.
Clusters & Alliances
Greater Copenhagen is subject to several strong knowledge clusters, collaborations and alliances. Along with Medicon Valley, Greater Copenhagen is home to Copenhagen Bio Science Cluster, an initiative to establish world-class research within bio-medicine and bio-technology. The Danish Government is committed to creating innovation in society and works to improve cooperation between science and business overall.
Copenhagen Convention Bureau has established two strategic alliances; The Life Science Alliance and the Green Conference Alliance specifically to help with association congresses in those subject areas. The Life Science and Cleantech/Green Conference stakeholders can support with a range of activities for the benefit of the association, its delegates and societies locally and globally.
Contact us
We’re here to help, whatever stage of planning you’re at, and it doesn’t cost an øre (that’s Danish for penny). Email us at cvb@woco.dk or look for the right person on our contacts page.



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